In order to Gather additional data using PhoneView. User would need to provide custom parsing
Following is a sample
* Close PhoneView application if it is running.
* Browse to the following folder C:\Program Files (x86)\UnifiedFX\PhoneView
It is highly recommend to backup the current version of your PhoneView.exe.config file prior to these changes
* Open PhoneView.exe.config file.
* Add the following lines inside the HTTPFields element
<field command="Cmd:HwRevision" model="(7960|894[1,5])" field="Custom1" path="/DeviceInformationX" xpath="//*[contains(local-name(),'hardwarerevision')][//text()]//text()"/>
<field command="Cmd:HwRevision" model="((78|88|99|79)\d\d)" field="Custom1" path="/CGI/Java/Serviceability?adapterX=device.statistics.device" xpath="//*[contains(local-name(),'hardwarerevision')][//text()]//text()"/>
* Open PhoneView
* Run the command "Cmd:HwRevision" on the selected phone/s to gather hardware revision information.
* Hardware Revision information will be populated in Custom1 field in data view.
The text highlighted in green can be altered to other Optional field names available in DataView (Custom2 etc...) to populate the data in a different field.
if this does not work, replace the backed up PhoneView.exe.config and restart phoneview.
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