WallboardFX provides custom setting up of reason codes as per the requirement. Below are the steps to customise the reason codes :
1. Go to the installed location of WallboardFX -
32 bit version of Windows : C:\Program Files\UnifiedFX\WallboardFX
64 bit version of Windows : C:\Program Files (x86)\UnifiedFX\WallboardFX
2. Open file named "ReasonCodes.xml" and perform changes under "<!-- Custom Reason Codes please Add/Modify as per your UCCX Configuration -->" section as shown below
Make sure not to make any change under "<!--System Defined Reason Codes Start Here - @Don't Delete-->" section.
Example: Suppose we need to add a reason code "102" label as "Lunch" , so we will append following line in the "Custom ReasonCodes" section - <ReasonCode><category>NOT_READY</category><code>102</code><label>Lunch</label></ReasonCode>
3. Save the changes.
4. Restart the "Unified FX Service host" window service.
5. Now Go to the WallboardFX admin page --> Edit Your Display --> Go to Agent View Section and Add "Reason Code" from dropdown menu like below :-
6. Save the changes.
7. Now check the display with recently added "Reason Code".
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