1. Create a self-signed certificate and Assign
In order to create a self-signed certificate.
- Open Windows PowerShell in Administrator Mode
- Retrieve FQDN to create a certificate
The following command can be used in order to retrieve a fully qualified domain name for the local pc/server.
Once the above command is executed, the command will return fully qualified domain name/s.
- Create a Certificate with the required DNS name.
The following sample command assumes the FQDN returned by the above command is “mydnsaddress.com”
$Certificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName mydnsaddress.com -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My"
$Thumbprint = $Certificate.Thumbprint;
NOTE: The created certificate is stored in $Certificate and the Certificate Thumbprint is stored in $Thumbprint variable
- Assign the certificate to local endpoint.
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=$Thumbprint appid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-AABBCCDDEEFF}"
NOTE: The above example assigns the certificate to an application running on port 8182(we can use default 443 as well) using the Certificate Thumbprint created in the above step
5. Edit the WallboardFX configuration
Once the above step is completed, open the following file using a text editing tool such as Notepad or Notepad++
"C:\Program Files (x86)\UnifiedFX\WallboardFX\UFX.ServiceHost.exe.config"
Search Scheme setting section as below
<setting name="Scheme" serializeAs="String">
Now change the value http to https then save the configuration file.
6. Change WallboardFX port from Local Machine Registry setting.
- Open Registry Editor
Once the above steps are completed restart the WallboardFX windows service(“Unified Service Host”) and browse to https://mydnsaddress.com:8182 for a secure connection.
- Locate following registry key for “PortNumber” [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\UnifiedFX\WallboardFX]
- Provide the same PortNumber, you mentioned during the certification generation step above.
Once the above steps are completed restart the WallboardFX windows service(“Unified FX Service Host”) and browse to https://mydnsaddress.com:8182 for a secure connection.
2. Assign an existing certificate
In order to use an existing certificate user is required to have the Certificate Thumbprint.
- Open Windows PowerShell in Administrator Mode
- Assign the certificate to local Application port
netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=$Thumbprint appid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-AABBCCDDEEFF}"
NOTE: The above example assigns the certificate to an application running on port 8182 with the Thumbprint “B4E3F0F41D267BFD74C16416C3B1D9E32C1DB607”
3. Edit the WallboardFX configuration
Once the above step is completed, open the following file using a text editing tool such as Notepad or Notepad++
"C:\Program Files (x86)\UnifiedFX\WallboardFX\UFX.ServiceHost.exe.config"
Search Scheme setting section as below
<setting name="Scheme" serializeAs="String">
Now change the value http to https then save the configuration file.
6. Change WallboardFX port from Local Machine Registry setting.
- Open Registry Editor
Once the above steps are completed restart the WallboardFX windows service(“Unified Service Host”) and browse to https://mydnsaddress.com:8182 for a secure connection.
- Locate following registry key for “PortNumber” [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\UnifiedFX\WallboardFX]
- Provide the same PortNumber, you mentioned during the certification generation step above.
Once the above steps are completed restart the WallboardFX windows service(“Unified FX Service Host”) and browse to https://mydnsaddress.com:8182 for a secure connection.
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