Additional query string parameter on display URL to disable redirect :-
In the above URL sample, “1” denotes the “display id” of the WallboardFX layout. If we do not append this id in the URL then WallboardFX will render the default display. This enables user to switch between number of displays without going into menu options.
WallboardFX’s default IP address and port are as given below:
- IP Address :
- Port : 80
How to get the display id of a layout ? :
Go to “System Admin” --> Display Management --> Edit (required display)
Here “2” denotes the display id of a particular layout.
Additional query string parameter on display URL :-
Restricted URL :-
- Hiding Left Menu : We can customize “Toggle Navigation” option visibility by appending an additional parameter in the URL i.e. “hideleft”. Here is the sample to pass this parameter
- Hiding Admin Control : We can customize “System Admin” option visibility by appending an additional parameter in the URL i.e. “hideadmin”. Here is the sample to pass this parameter
Ex: =y
- Hiding Full Screen Switch : We can customize “Toggle Fullscreen” option visibility by appending an additional parameter in the URL i.e. “hidefullscreen”. Here is the sample to pass this parameter
Ex: =y
In order to perform all the 3 hidden customizations simultaneously, we can append parameters like this :
Note :-
“y” : It enables hidden functionality
“n” : It disables hidden functionality
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